The Technology
Meet VistaSure™
The VistaSURE™ technology consists of 2 parts – a sensor with a chemical reagent that reacts to certain biological substances to indicate the presence of a disease coupled with an analytical program using Augmented Reality (AR) techniques housed on the user’s smartphone. The sensor reacts to the disease indicator in the patient’s urine and the program reads this reaction and notifies the patient of the results in real time. If a problem is detected, the program urges the patient to see their Primary Care Provider (PCP) immediately, offers interim self-help guidance based on current standard of care for the disease, and offers to send the test results directly to their PCP.
Product Advantages
The VistaSURE™ products will be sold initially with a doctor’s prescription. Longer-term the Company will work to obtain regulatory approval to sell its products over-the-counter. Our products are easy to use and provide quick and reliable results. The sophisticated sensors will be read by a proprietary app installed on the patient’s smart phone.
VistaSURE™ will be a complement to the Primary Care Physician’s practice, giving them added insight into their patient’s needs and allowing targeted follow-up testing and treatment. By empowering the user to initiate the process, initial costly and overly broad laboratory testing can be avoided. Further, with early treatment many of the costs and complications of these chronic diseases can be avoided or at a minimum reduced to the ultimate benefit of the user while saving the healthcare system significant costs.